December 19, 2008

  • We Have Heat!!!

    After a low of 46 degrees in the house this morning, the lovely repairman came, replaced a part, performed the maintenance that should have been performed back in June (part of the deal to buy the house included the former owner's getting the furnace and water heater serviced before closing-- apparently whoever serviced it in June barely did more than slap a sticker on it). Anyway, we are now up to a balmy 55 degrees and rising!

    We slept on the aerobed in front of the gas fireplace-- which the furnace guy said is just an "insert" and provides minimal radiant heat while actually sucking heat from the house. Good to know. Anyway, the usual problem with aerobeds is that, because they are filled with air, they offer minimal insulation and are often cold to sleep on. While that is fine for the summer, we remedied that issue by putting one down comforter underneath us and then blankets and another down comforter on top. This, along with each wearing two layers and a hat, kept us warm throughout the night.

Comments (2)

  • So glad you are getting warm!  This happened to us last year in the middle of winter; not fun. 

  • I just read your mom post.  I could have written it and changed the names to my own dysfunction junction.  Down to the fact that I'm the youngest of three.  The oldest still lives at home with mom and she can't get rid of anything and all her "stuff" comforts her.  She does unload certain things on me, and then gets pissed when I get rid of them.  Her house is falling apart around her but there is no other place that she would be able to afford because her mortgage is next to nothing.  Unlike you my mom lives in the straight ghetto and her house has been broken into numerous the fact that she lives in danger is hard.  She expects my dh and my brother (who has his own family) to come and fix all her house problems (plumbing, electrical, you name it).  I've tried to explain to her that just because they are men, they do not know all the ins and outs of some of these more complex things and that she needs to hire a professional.  She just starts reminiscing about how her dad and my dad would know how to do it all...blah, blah, blah.  All this to say, I feel for you.  I really do.

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